We're back from Art & Soul. It rained most of the weekend, so, aside from the show evening, we huddled in the Scotty and watched DVDs on my laptop. Cosmos picked out his spot. He doesn't get much blog time because he usually doesn't photograph as well as Batman -- in most pics he's just a big dark outline with glowing alien eyes -- so I'm glad to have something of him to post. What a pretty dog!

The wierd black stuff on the window behind Cos's head is duct tape and a towel to stop a drip -- and very successfully, I must say!
We usully drive conservatively because the car just gulps gas when pulling the Scotty, but on the way home a truck with the biggest pumpkin I've ever seen passed us. I was determined to get a pic of it, but he was going much faster than we, so for about 5 miles we had the poor Escape/Scotty both going faster than they'd ever gone...but success was ours! And fortunately, we didn't get caught!! LOL

There was a last-minute cancelation at the Adventures in Stamping show outside Cleveland next weekend, so you Ohioans will be seeing me there on Saturday.