Well, no call from the trooper, and he doesn't return my calls. Days and weeks pass, and there's no completed accident report. I talk to the trooper's sargent, who says he'll get right back to me, but then also never returns my calls. Finally, more than 6 weeks after the accident, the trooper finally looks at the car that at least 3 of us have identified. There's evidence of front-end damage and repair, but the owner says that this is from a previous un-reported accident....and those two eye-witness reports? They're gone. Now the trooper claims that the witnesses just said "there's an accident back there", and kept on going. And the dispatch call has disappeared. My cousin, who's an accident lawyer, concludes that we had the bad luck to be hit by a girlfriend or relative of the Highway Patrol. He was only surprised that it happened at a State level. Apparently this type of coverup is more common at the City level. Bottom line -- my word against the NHP, so guess who lost. The moral of the story is that just because they wear a uniform, have shiny shoes, and call you "ma'am" doesn't mean they can be trusted. I doubt I'll be contribuing to any future Policemens' Benefits.